This is an exciting time to join the journey of our Senior Leadership Team in a developing school. It is envisaged that our Assistant Headteacher will have responsibility for leading Teaching and Learning and Curriculum Development, with a particular focus on establishing our KS2 provision within the school. You will be working closely alongside an experienced Executive Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher who will fully support your own aspirations and career development. In addition, you will support the Deputy Headteacher’s role within the SEND team.

The Assistant Headteacher, under the direction of the Headteacher, will take a role in:

  • Formulating the vision, aims and objectives of the school
  • Establishing policies for achieving these aims and objectives
  • Managing staff and resources to that end

Monitoring progress towards the achievement of the school’s aims

This will be a non-class based role in the future when the school grows, however in the first instance, will involve teaching in a class for 2 days each week.

Interview date: 20/03/2023

Start date: 01/09/2023

For more details about the role please visit our website or contact

Please send your completed application form to

See here the application pack and application form:

Assistant Headteacher: Application Pack

TLP Application Form January 2023