Landkey Community Primary Academy

“At Landkey Community Primary Academy, we educate and nurture the whole child, providing opportunities for each child to discover and develop their unique talents and abilities. Our children work hard and play hard. We create a culture of achievement within a vibrant and stimulating learning environment, ensuring positive reinforcement at all levels of ability, through appropriately differentiated expectations.
Landkey Primary School has always believed in the benefits of working with other schools both locally, regionally and nationally, provided that there is benefit to the children and their education. This was one of the influencing factors when first joining the Tarka Learning Partnership. We have since begun to build an education infrastructure in North Devon led by those who understand our family of schools – us. One key reason for working together is to support the journey from primary school to secondary school, and to offer the very best life experiences and opportunities for the children in our care. The development of our revised curriculum is already reaping the benefits of this collaborative working with The Park School – the reward will be in the enhanced educational offer for the children at Landkey and beyond. It is our utmost aim to raise aspirations in our local area, of both children and staff, whilst striving to be the very best that we can possibly be.”
Georgie Gratton
Head teacher
Landkey Community Primary Academy
Head Teacher: Georgie Gratton
Chair of School Community Board: Annette Hennessy
Telephone: 01271 830421