Safeguarding and Safe Handling
Tutors : Jane Dibble, Sarah Langford, Tash Summerville
Our Tutors are highly experienced in safeguarding DSL work and MASH enquiries and are NSPCC accredited.
We run the following safeguarding programmes:
Level 3 Two day Course for Safeguarding for Designated Safeguarding Leads and deputies
Level 3 One day Refresher Course for Safeguarding for Designated Safeguarding Leads and deputies
Safe Handling and Moving (PIPS)
Tutors: Babcock
One day course
Passive Intervention and Prevention Strategies (PIPS) training is aimed at all staff working in a Primary, Secondary, Special Schools & Alternative Provision settings. It supports staff in developing a consistent, effective and acceptable team approach to managing behaviour, while, crucially, maintaining positive relationships and minimising risk for all.
For booking enquiries, please call 01271 443120 or email