Writing Assessment and Moderation Training

Writing Assessment Training Year 1 to 6

Tutors: Annie Gregory, Judy Walter

These half day courses in year groups are designed to

  • Raise class teacher confidence in the way they assess their children’s writing.
  • Support class teachers in the assessment of children’s writing for their year group.
  • Understand the expectations for each year group through analysing nationally benchmarked scripts from different genres.
  • Draw on a range of texts that will support teachers in applying their assessments to improve children’s writing through the year.

The days are designed so that those with mixed age classes can mostly attend either or both of their year groups on the same day.

Writing Moderation Year 1 to 6

Tutors: Alison Jones, Rebecca New, Annie Gregory and Judy Walter

These half day sessions are led by a lead moderator to support peer moderation.

Teachers will work in small groups, following a rigorous process, to moderate writing. All teachers will bring all the writing from two children: one currently assessed at EXS and one currently assessed at GDS.

The days are designed so that those with mixed age classes can mostly attend either or both of their year groups on the same day.

For booking enquiries, please call 01271 443120 or email admin@tarkatrust.org.uk